Perfecting the craft of speaking is like perfecting other crafts. You have to know what tools are available to you, how to use them and use them as often as possible.
A carpenter, an electrician and a plumber all have a unique set of tools that they use to deliver their craft. Most of them have a favourite tool or tools that they find are most effective. The same is true for public speaking. Everyone has a Speaker’s Tool Box. It is with you no matter where you go, whom you speak to, or how many you speak to. Learn to recognize what is in your personal toolbox; what tools work best for you and how to use them to improve your personal effectiveness.
Public speaking does not simply consist of speaking words to an audience. Use the tools you have available to give your words life and meaning. The tools and concepts identified in this book are universal. They apply whether you have an audience of one or one thousand. Use the tools in your “Speaker’s Tool Box” to become a better speaker and develop your unique style.
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Have you ever been asked to MC a wedding or even asked to present a toast, and felt very nervous and ill-equipped to take on the task? Does the mere thought of having to speak at such functions cause you anxiety? If so, The Wedding MC Handbook can help.
The role of wedding MC is an important part of the wedding reception, yet there is very little information available to provide direction to the individual who has agreed to perform this all important task.
If you are a couple planning a wedding, a person who has been asked to MC a wedding, or someone who has been asked to present a toast at the wedding, this book will be an invaluable tool for you!
It is a complete, concise guide for handling all aspects of MC’ing a wedding. It covers such topics as; what to do before, during, and after the reception, tips for the speaker, do’s and don’ts of MC’ing a wedding, proper microphone technique, presentation of toasts, proper introduction of wedding participants, and tools/tips that the wedding MC can use to make his/her task easier and ensure that the experience is a pleasant one for all involved.
“The real art to being a good wedding MC is to ensure that the Bride and Groom are kept the center of attention. The MC is not the show! The MC is the vehicle and the grease to make it run smoothly. The talent, the order of events, the people, and the inventory have all been packaged by the Bride and Groom. It is the job of the MC to present that package in the most gracious manner possible.”
The Wedding MC Handbook is available in paperback and e-book formats.
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Little Helpings of Food for Thought contains over 230 quotes that will motivate, inspire and stimulate you. They will help you tackle life’s challenges, head on with a positive, enthusiastic attitude.
Each quote in this collection was personally chosen by the author from a collection of thousands. The quotes have been grouped into five motivational categories and one humorous section.
Personal Excellence
Success Secrets
Attitude Adjustment
Self Esteem
Go For Goals
Humor Yourself
This book is a wonderful companion for your next cup of coffee, tea or just some quiet time for yourself. It can be an ideal gift for friends, loved ones or co-workers who have made a positive impact on the people around them.
Little Helpings of Food for Thought is available for free as an e-book by signing up on this web site. If you would like one or more copies to give as a gift or for your own pleasure it can be purchased in paperback format.
Click here to place your order
“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.”
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